Another letter from the Stranger.
I started to read it and felt that he sounds very optimistic.
He said that finally he has done something good to mention.
Forget the small hooliganism, he started a serious protest against Mr. Lukashenko and his tirany in Belarussia.
As Stranger wanted to do something, he got a bit drunk again and went (at nighttime of course) to the consulate of Belarussia in Tallinn. The story is easy, he just climbed a bit up and took the flag. Yes, he was really able to climb up and take the flag. He went to his mysterious shelter, took picture of this flag and started to think. He had a sudden change of heart. He took the flag itself off the wodden stick and brought back the stick to the consulate, because of the poor country. As he writes the whole protest went quick but well. Of course he sold in an secret auction the Belarussian flag to his good friend in Poland, Waychizcyk Koluzhchewzky.

After he wrote to me personally, that I must burn down all the letters he has sent me to be there no legal clues. Well of course I did so. Cheers Stranger!